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The North American Indian Cultural Center


In this interview, Lana Samaniego, the executive director of the NAICC, describes the founding of the organization, what its purpose is and where she feels improvements could be made. She also discusses various public misconceptions, as well as her personal efforts to expand resources available to Native Americans in Ohio and how the NAICC has worked to promote cultural activity and pride in Native American communities.

Lanna Samaniego - NAICC
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Margot Wink

In this interview, Margot Wink of the NAICC speaks about her work with the WIOA Program, a federal program built upon the intention to provide jobs and other working opportunities to Native Americans. Margot also discusses her projects with Native American children and culture. As with many issues facing the Native American community, she feels that more could be done and that awareness could be much greater.

Margot Wink - NAICC
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Roger Samaniego

In this interview, Roger Samaniego of the NAICC speaks about his early experiences living in Celina. He touches on issues of racism, which not only affect Native American communities and individuals in the United States, but often conflate Native Americans and African Americans in forms of discrimination. He describes his experiences with racist attitudes, presumptions and prejudice. Health care issues in Native American communities are briefly discussed.  

Roger Samaniego - NAICC
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About Us

The North American Indian Cultural Center, Inc. (NAICC) is a multifaceted, statewide, non profit social service organization, founded in 1974 to provide education, employment, training, supportive and technical services, and advocacy to the Indian Native Alaskan (INA) population of Ohio.

Over the 40 years since NAICC was founded our services have expanded to offer support for the local communities that we serve. We offer many programs to help those in need from the NAICC Food Initiative to Workforce Investment Act Program among others.

Please browse this page using the menu at the top to find out more about who we are and what we do. If you have any questions or concerns you can always contact us.


NAICC offers a number of services for our community members, not only for INA but for every person in need. You can select a service from the drop-down list above to read more about it.


Ohio's Trail of Tears


The North American Indian Cultural Center, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends heavily on donations and the generosity of our local communities to continue to provide services.


In today’s economy, the next person we help could be your neighbor, your relative, your child, or even you!


If you are able to help with any size donation, $1,$2,$5, or any amount, please contact us today. Every donation is greatly appreciated, and is tax deductible.


Our existence and ability to continue is in your hands. Please, help us help others! Your support is needed.


Celina Office

304 East Anthony Street

Celina, Ohio 45822

Phone: 419-586-6567

Fax: 419-586-1570

Tallmadge Office

111 West Avenue

Tallmadge, Ohio 44278

Phone: 330-724-1280

Toll-free: 800-724-1280

Fax: 330-724-9298

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